The European Commission has launched a call for new expert evaluators who will help review proposals submitted to Horizon Europe and other EU programmes.
The call for expression of interest for the Funding & Tenders Portal Expert Database for the period 2021-2027 seeks individuals who will be able to assist the EU services in their personal capacity as experts with the implementation of EU funding and tenders managed through the Funding & Tenders Portal, in particular:
- assessing applications for funding;
- monitoring of projects and contracts;
- providing opinions and advice on specific issues.
Tasks may include evaluation, monitoring and advice of all types (such as evaluation of applications, observing evaluation procedures, project reviews, coaching activities, ethics reviews including checks and audits, etc.).
Individuals interested in becoming experts evaluator in Horizon Europe should register in the dedicated ‘Work as an expert‘ area of the F&T Portal. The Portal Expert Database is the central database for all expert work in this domain. Registration is a mandatory prerequisite for being contracted by the Commission to work as an evaluator on any EU funding programme.
Who is the Commission looking for?
The Commission is looking for experts with a high level of expertise and professional experience in all fields of EU action and policy, in particular, those relevant to Horizon Europe calls for proposals. Very good language skills (in particular in English) are mandatory.
Can I become an expert evaluator in Horizon Europe after Brexit?
Yes, there are no restrictions on nationality. The Commission welcomes experts from any country, as long as they are not subject to EU administrative sanctions (i.e. exclusion or financial penalty decision) or in one of the exclusion situations mentioned in the call text that bar them from receiving EU funds.
Why should I register?
Becoming an expert evaluator in Horizon Europe is the best way to get to know the evaluation process in the new programme and become successful as an applicant faster. Getting to know how the evaluation process works and what the experts are looking for in an excellent proposal will allow you to improve your own applications in the future.
Furthermore, expert evaluators are remunerated for their work and have their expenses related to travelling to Brussels (if required) covered by the EU. A model contract for experts is available online.
Do I need to register again if I evaluated proposals in Horizon 2020?
If you previously selected the option to work for all programmes and sub-programmes of the above-mentioned EU and non-EU institutions in your expert profile, by default you have made yourself available to all current and future programmes and no additional action is required, as you will be automatically included in the list of experts available in Horizon Europe.
However, if you only selected ‘Horizon 2020’ as the programme that you wished to work as an expert in, you will be required to update your profile by selecting the relevant box.
Last updated: 5 August 2024