
Event: ERC 2024 Advanced Grant: Call Information Webinar 2 of 2

10:00 to 12:00 UK time
Registration deadline:
Registration closed
Event type:

UKRO, in its capacity as UK NCP for the European Research Council (ERC), will hold a second webinar on the ERC 2024 Advanced Grant call.

The indicative opening date for the 2024 ERC Advanced Grant call is 29 May 2024. Calls are published on the ERC Advanced Grant webpage, as well as the European Commission’s Funding and Tenders Portal.


ERC 2024 Advanced Grant Call Webinar 2

ERC Lump Sum presentation

Q&A Report 12June2024


Video Recording (passcode %ku63bh8)

Aim of the event

The webinar will provide participants with a detailed practical overview of the ERC Advanced Grant scheme. Viewers will gain a deeper understanding of the proposal format and the key issues to address in planning, writing and costing a proposal. The evaluation procedure and the new ‘lump sum’ approach to costing will also be explained.

Who should attend?

The sessions are aimed at researchers based in, or moving to, the UK who are planning to submit a proposal to the 2024 ERC Advanced Grant call, and the research support staff who will be supporting these applications. Applicants are expected to be active researchers and to have a track record of excellent research.

Programme outline

Session 2: Wednesday 12 June (10:00 – 12:00 UK time) – provides information on the submission process, how proposals are evaluated and other elements to consider, including the ‘lump sum’ approach.

Technical specifications

Attendance is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.

Please note that this webinar is part two of a two-part series of information webinars on the 2024 Advanced Grant call. Part one will take place on 10 June 2024.

Please let us know if you have feedback on this website.