
Event: ERC 2023 Proof of Concept Grant: Call Information Webinar

10:00 to 12:00 UK time
Registration deadline:
Registration closed
Event type:


ERC Proof of Concept 2023 Call Webinar (PDF, 3.6 MB) with updates that cover changes to the 2023 ERC Proof of Concept application template but before new version of Information for Applicants.

Guest Speaker spoke without slides about Traction project which is based on a Social Sciences and Humanities domain ERC grant.


Watch the recording
(passcode: uq$5#923)

Aim of the event

The webinar will provide participants with a detailed practical overview of the ERC Proof of Concept Grant scheme. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the proposal format and the key issues they are required to address in planning, writing and costing a proposal. The evaluation procedure and how to approach writing an application will also be explained.

Who should attend?

The session was aimed at:

  • ERC Principal Investigators on ongoing ERC projects
  • ERC Principal Investigators of ERC projects that finished less than 12 months before 1 January 2023
  • research support staff who will be supporting these applications.

Programme outline

  • the European Research Council and the nature of an ERC Proof of Concept Grant
  • UK participation in the ERC
  • eligibility criteria and proposal development
  • information on the submission process and how proposals are evaluated.

Attendance was free of charge, but registration for each webinar was required.

Technical specifications

This webinar was delivered using the ‘Zoom’ online conference facility.

The webinar was recorded and made available for streaming alongside a copy of the presentation slides after the end of the webinar.

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