"UKRO helped us win our latest Horizon 2020 grant"

Richard Mole from the Moredun Foundation

Has your UKRO subscription ever helped you in winning a grant?

It definitely helped us win our latest Horizon 2020 grant for the Paragone project under the SFS 2014 call.

Which of the wide range of UKRO services do you consider most useful when it comes to winning EU grants?

We found the UKRO annual visit and the subsequent interactions with our European Advisor extremely helpful. He was able to answer our questions quickly and provide useful advice.

Would you recommend an UKRO subscription to other universities or research institutions and if so, why?

Yes, definitely! Especially because of the collective services that you provide and the close relationship that UKRO has with EU officials. The fact that you are based in Brussels helps a lot, as we are not able to have this.

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