"UKRO is a key source of information and intelligence at all stages of programme and project planning for EU-funded activity"

Martin Gregory from the University of Strathclyde

Are you a daily reader of our articles and what is your verdict?

Consultation of the UKRO bulletin is a part of daily life that is on auto-pilot. The articles are straightforward to access on a time-flexible basis, and provide up-to-the-minute access to the latest information and developments carrying importance for UK universities.

Having regular, intelligent, succinctly presented, up-to-date information in areas like Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, Brexit and COVID-19, with links provided to source documents, press releases or speeches as appropriate, carries a value on which it would be difficult to put a price. UKRO’s staff have unrivalled levels of knowledge and expertise in relation to the EU research, education and knowledge exchange programmes that are critical to the UK HE sector.

What do you think about the resources provided by UKRO (e.g. factsheets, webinars, etc.) and how do you use these for the benefit of your organisation?

With the onset of COVID-19, the rapid actions taken by UKRO to replace its events at physical locations with regular webinars covering important issues and developments, has been particularly impressive. These on-line events, open to subscribers, have been expertly presented, spot-on in choice of topics (such as Horizon Europe and COVID-19), and timed to appropriate lengths. A recent individual webinar for staff of our University on present and future EU research opportunities, presented by our UKRO Advisor, was found to be highly valuable.

UKRO’s factsheets are very useful in summarising important information and intelligence that it would take University staff much longer to access and put together themselves, thus providing critical short-cuts to busy academic and research office staff of UK universities.

Please let us know if you have feedback on this website.